Success Stories

Helen has changed my life, after suffering from anxiety off and on for many years I finally feel like I have control over my thoughts and the right tools to deal with it. I can't recommend her enough, thank you x
I have recently been working with Helen who has support me around my Anxiety. My sessions have included hypnotherapy, breathing techniques, and audio's to listen too as well as supportive messages.

Helen has helped me to understand and accept my Anxiety and help me feel less afraid of it . From the first time I met Helen I felt she totally understood me and she made me feel so comfortable and at ease.

Helen has gave me the tools and self belief to enable me to calm myself. (I have also put myself in situations I would Normally avoid) without going into a panic attack or melt down.

I'd 100% recommend Helen to anyone who is struggling she is fabulous at what she does and such a lovely lady xx ❤️
Tyne & Wear
I have recently consulted Helen Bell as I have suffered from general anxiety and excessive worrying for many years. I went to her home and the room we were in was very relaxing and peaceful and Helen was very welcoming.

She asked me a lot of questions, some about my childhood, and offered me some explanations that I could relate to. Helen explained how we would proceed with the sessions and about hypnotherapy which was at the end of each session (If desired). I was a bit nervous initially but was reassured by her.

I now feel more in control of my thoughts and my ways of dealing with things as she taught me breathing techniques which have proved useful and very relaxing.

I would recommend Helen to anyone who has anxieties phobias or any other problems which are bothering them. She has a very relaxed approach and puts you at ease especially during hypnotherapy. I've had CBT in the past but never felt it (did anything) for me,whereas these sessions have helped me a lot.
I’ve been struggling with anxiety and a fear of sickness that was like a viscous circle of the anxiety causing nausea and being so scared of the sick feeling caused me to not enjoy leaving the house, being with my friends, going to school, public transport, long car journeys and things that should be enjoyable to me.

The anxiety and fear got so bad that I was missing school for a few days every week and not leaving the house much to go see friends. I tried multiple remedies like cutting out gluten in my life, multiple doctors appointments to figure out if there was any issue however there was nothing that worked. Thanks to the sessions this issue has now been resolved and there is no longer a fear of sick in my life which has reduced the anxiety of leaving the house and sitting in school to nothing.

The experience was really enjoyable and taught me things that I didn’t know could help me which was a powerful feeling and I felt free from the anxiety and sickness I was struggling with. There was many unexpected benefits from these sessions like my focus on subjects and overall results in school has significantly improved for me which I didn’t expect at all.

My confidence has improved and I find walking into previous ‘scary’ situations that I completely avoided easy which has helped me to regain overall confidence in myself. Thanks to this experience I don’t have to struggle doing daily tasks and I can enjoy day to day life again.
We had reached a point where we didn’t know what to do next. Anxiety was taking my daughter away from everything she loved. It’s started with tummy aches, then went to feeling sick and being in a constant state of nausea. The odd day off school became once a week. We looked for patterns, spoke to school. Tried anti sickness bands, aroma therapy oils, cutting out gluten, ginger tablets, talking her up during the day, trying desperately to keep her in school. Every night I lay on my bed comforting a frustrated, exhausted and deflated girl. Every day at school she went to pastoral trying to get home. Tough love also had its place and tears. We were all getting low. ‘I just want to feel normal.’ A visit to the GP some bloods and a 2 year waiting list for counseling drew blanks also. We have GCSE’s coming up and I was worried that she wasn’t going to be able to sit them! A chance conversation at football with another mum led me to Helen…

My daughter had three sessions booked. I saw a difference immediately. A profound difference, straight away. After one session. I could not believe it. I almost felt like some magic had happened. My daughter was back to the girl I knew before. She was looking forward to school, football matches, seeing her friends and I no longer had a visitor every night. No more problem texts during the day. No more visits to pastoral. She no longer felt sick and no longer felt so desperate about this unending sickness. In the last session she did so well they both decided to work on something else! Some months later she continues to do well and blossom. I’m so proud of her. I can’t thank you enough Helen. I would have tried anything to help and I’m so glad I did.
After years of different diets, losing weight then putting it back on I was in a real slump. I had lost my love of exercise and felt I needed a whole new approach to weight loss and keeping healthy . A work colleague mentioned that Helen had been working with clients helping them through hypnotherapy not just weight loss but lifestyle changes . After chatting to Helen I had my initial session and felt like I had found something that could really help get me out of the slump I was in. Helen made me feel so comfortable and safe we worked through my issues with food and exercise helping me see everything in a more positive way instead of finding exercise a chore we worked on finding different things that I enjoyed. Food wise she helped me see that everything I thought was a treat was actually doing more harm than good and how to make better healthier food choices. We also tackled my bad habits especially my diet coke habit which I always knew was not a healthy habit. Being hypnotised was not what I had expected it was a relaxed,safe experience and Helen is a wonderful coach who has helped me hugely, not only have I lost weight but I feel so much healthier,confident and happier about myself . I totally recommend Helen to help with any issues, she is so calming and kind and helps to make you feel you can achieve any goals . Thank you so much Helen x
North East
When I approached Helen, I was struggling mainly with my confidence and low self-esteem which was causing me to have repeated feelings of anxiety and depression on a daily basis. Helen expertly guided me to find what was the root cause of these feelings and during our session, we uncovered what was the block that was keeping me from being my most vibrant version of myself. I was not consciously aware before our sessions that the feelings I was experiencing started a long time ago from an event when I was a child. Once this was uncovered, Helen was able to help me address the emotions associated with it and help me heal old deep issues. I have been feeling so much more empowered since the insights from our sessions. I have felt a great sense of ease and at peace with my past. I feel very sure of myself and confident in the person I am in the World. I would highly recommend Helen for anyone who has an issue in their life that is not serving them anymore. She supported me before during and after the sessions. I felt very safe working with and Helen and she held the space very well throughout the process. I am a different person since our sessions and after listening to my personal recording. New thought processes have been established in my mind and although these changes happened quickly, they have had a lasting impact.
After the session, I had a new sense of self belief that I couldn’t put my finger on. I felt like that wall I had been putting up, stopping myself from being the better me, had been lowered. I continued to feel more and more confident and motivated each day I listened to the recording that Helen made for me. I didn’t believe at first that the change was something I could make, but because of the session I had, I’m convinced that this was the right choice for me. I completely recommend Helen to anybody wanting to make a change in their life for the better, because without trying this I would never have known the potential happiness that I’ve been missing out on. I’ve so far been on great progress to both goals that I wanted help with. All I can say is thank you so much for this life changing opportunity!
Newcastle, UK
I approached Helen as I was finding life as a teenager to be challenging and tough and I realised this was affecting my confidence and self esteem. As RTT was new to me and I didn’t know a lot about it I was uncertain but open minded to the concept. Helen helped me to realise that the past cannot be altered and needs to be moved on from as well as staying positive. The process encourages my mind to know that I am capable and can do anything I set my mind to. One thing I really liked was the hypnosis, it was cool. It brought things to mind that I didn’t even realise were bothering me, but I am now able to move on from. Helen was warm, approachable and so friendly, she immediately put me at ease. I would recommend her wholeheartedly to anyone.
Newcastle, UK
Helen is a wonderful therapist, very warm and responsive and a gifted healer. I came to her with physical issues around my fertility and digestion that were getting in the way of what I wanted to do in life. Most importantly, even though I knew what I had to do to get better I lacked the faith and motivation to do it. Since my session with Helen I have already started taking care of myself, which feels like a big change, and I feel much more confident and able to take control of my health. During the session I felt complete trust and Helen have me the space I needed to understand what had been stopping me. I felt safe, understood and supported. This enabled me to take some positive steps within the next few days. I am now listening to my recording, which I love, as its so personal to me, and this keeps me motivated as my situation is improving already.  Thank you, Helen, for helping me make this change 🙂
London, UK
I went to Helen in the hope she could help me improve my memory, which I felt was letting me down in middle age. Helen was professional, kind and caring and through hypnosis I was able to uncover the root cause of my issue and release some memory blocks which went back to my childhood. I can't thank Helen enough for turning everything around for me, and so quickly. I feel 10 years younger!
Suffolk, UK